Perancangan Allah itu yang terbaik. Alhamdulillah received a good news last Friday. Something I've been praying for. I was granted with what I wish for but of course Allah gives more than what I need.
Allah yang Maha Mengetahui.
Dia turut memberikan sedikit cabaran. so that I will grow~~.
Alhamdulilllah Alhamdullillah Alhamdulillah
I have so many thing to be grateful for.
Annual Report.checked
Report Duty.checked
Nota Serah tugas.checked
Tugasan tertangguh.Checked
Getting ready and embracing 2013 with new vision and spirit.
Allah please always guide me.
Thursday, December 20, 2012
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
Triple Twelve
Wah!!!! lamanya meninggalkan ruang ini. Ruang luahan perasan or accurately ruang catatan diri.. bukan catatan peribadi kalau catatan peribadi it must be private, not for everyone to see la kan. It took me sometime to think about what exactly this blog is suppose to be about..
Till now still not really sure.. There are so many thing in life that I am still not sure about. Some I just let it go, some I just embrace it and go with the flow and there are some I am still hesitating to decide.
Feel bad for abandoning this blog for some time. ... don’t think anyone ever read this anymore. Plus it is easier to share thing/pic tru other channel i.e instagram, facebook or twitter.
Today is 12/12/12. A beautiful date. Many people begin their new chapter in life today. I heard that many couples queuing at National Registration Dept for their marriage registration today. For Muslims, they may be having solemnisation or reception today. Congratulations and have a blissful marriage ya/
Wednesday, August 08, 2012
I think I am Not Happy.
Akhir-akhir ini my career-life is not good. Definitely not good. Not only that i didn’t have the drive or motivation anymore. Nothing. I also felt nothing. Zero. No more extra effort. Just enough or even sometime less. I did less than expected.
I got scolded of course. Big bosses some more. Shame on me. But I felt nothing. Parah yang melampau. I am now in a very critical state. I know that. And no one can help me but myself. I know that too.
Hanya tuhan yang mengetahui apa yang tersirat di hati dan fikiran hamba mu ini
Hanya tuhan yang mengerti hasrat dan keperluan diri hamba
Hanya tuhan yang tahu apa yang terbaik untuk diri hamba
Hamba mu ini berserah. Dengan kemuliaan Bulan penuh pengampunan, hamba yang kerdil ini mohon petunjuk dan hidayah mu. Tuntunlah hamba mu ini ke jalan yang diredhai mu Ya Allah
Jadikan hamba orang yang bermanfaat bukan sahaja pada diri tapi juga paling bermanfaat kepada orang lain
Hamba ini dengan rendah hati memohon
Sesungguhnya Allah Maha Mendengar dan lagi Maha Dekat
rasa nak sambung study. Tapi dunno where to start. I ada degree IT boleh ke amik master psikologi? Paling-paling pun MBA je la kot. Tapi macam berminat psikologi so how?
Wednesday, August 01, 2012
Salam Ramadhan
Sudah hampir separuh Ramadhan Yang Penuh Barokah berlalu..
10 hari pertama yang penuh keampunan telah pergi
Saya merasakan Ramadhan kali ini istimewa. Cukup istimewa.
Mungkin kerana minda di bawah sedar sudah berbulan bersedia untuk Ramadhan ini
Dengan beberapa tekad. entah berjaya atau tidak.
Yang penting usahanya
Sungguh ia satu perjuangan.
Bukan lagi melawan syaitan musuh yang nyata. tapi beradu mental dengan diri sendiri. hawa nafsu.
Semoga saya dan anda tidak tergolong di kalangan mereka yang rugi.
kerana Ramadhan kali ini istimewa
Saya sambut dengan penuh syukur dan sebak
10 hari pertama yang penuh keampunan telah pergi
Saya merasakan Ramadhan kali ini istimewa. Cukup istimewa.
Mungkin kerana minda di bawah sedar sudah berbulan bersedia untuk Ramadhan ini
Dengan beberapa tekad. entah berjaya atau tidak.
Yang penting usahanya
Sungguh ia satu perjuangan.
Bukan lagi melawan syaitan musuh yang nyata. tapi beradu mental dengan diri sendiri. hawa nafsu.
Semoga saya dan anda tidak tergolong di kalangan mereka yang rugi.
kerana Ramadhan kali ini istimewa
Saya sambut dengan penuh syukur dan sebak
As we enter this blessed month of mercy, I give this advice to myself first, and to you all:
Don’t let this Ramadan be just a holiday of rituals. Don’t finish reading the Quran without it transforming you. Don’t feed your body at suhoor, but starve your heart of Qiyam. Don’t reduce this downpour of mercy to just a month of sweets and lavish iftars. Seek Him, you will find. Take a sincere step towards change, transformation, redemption. If you do, you will find Him in front of you. Find Him this month. He’s been there all along. Closer than your jugular vein. Look and you’ll find. Walk and you’ll arrive.-Yasmin Mogahed
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
This photo is just TOO CUTE.. oh my oh my.. so beautiful. I was wondering the baby was actually sleeping or not. You are such a darling la baby.. Sangat Comel... Actually she was 8 days old at the time the picture was taken. The photo was from here . So brilliant. The photographer manage to capture the baby almost smiling and menongkat dagu sama. Wah.
Oh love it. love it a lot.
My dear husband took alot of Irfan's pic when he was a baby but we didn't really put him to pose like the baby in the picture. Most of the time it was just the spontaneous pose he did while sleeping or playing.
Anyone knows any photographer in Malaysia that can do wonders with baby and produce great picture like above? Do share. Who knows. For future considerations. :D
Monday, June 11, 2012
3 series
Happy Bithday dear Self. Thank You Allah.
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The Birthday cake from dear husband last night |
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See! Irfan blowing the candles. 3 times ok. He kept asking daddy to re-light the candles. |
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Another cake later on the birthday from my Unit. Thanks guys. |
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Another cake during our Division annual makan-makan in conjunction with Birthdays, Transfers and Retirement of the members. |
Monday, June 04, 2012
In conjunction with the His Majesty the King (– Seri Paduka Baginda Yang Dipertuan Agong) Birthday, My husband and I had the opportunity to attend the Royal Hi-Tea at the Istana Negara (national palace)- the new one! Huhu
The feast was from Istana Hotel and Hilton ( I think). There were tents with different coloured scallops (blue,pink, purple and yellow) . Met a few friends whom we hadn’t seen quite some time. We also had fun watching people dressed to their best despite the heat that afternoon. Even more interesting waching the foreign ambassadors with their traditional attires. Very colourful event, I must say. Enjoy the pic.
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daulat tuanku |
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The entrance |
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The Magnificent National Palace |
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The King. ( Didn't manage to snap the Queen pics.) |
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It's scorching hot but it didn't hinder us from taking pictures on the palace ground. :) |
Thursday, May 31, 2012
Oh May Day
Eik. May has come to an end and it will be June soon. Oh I love June. because it's my birthday month. Yippee!!!!
Many things happened in May. I also travelled alot this month. Not quite far . The furthest was to Tawau, Sabah. Alhamdulillah we managed to get the direct flight. In between meetings, my friends and I also manage to go to the wet market and get us some fresh fishes, crabs and prawns. Get it ice-cubed and securely packed for air travel .. huhu. Airasia don't allowed you to check-in them though so we have to hand carry them. They also allowed only 7kg and precisedly in the allowed size. Nasib baik masa kat pasar basah tak jadi gile beli berkilo-kilo.. huhuhuhu
The tiger prawns were so Yummy . Sweet and juicy. Abih ler kolesterol. Sape boleh tahan kalau dapat sebesar di bawah. Kat Selangor ni jangan cakaplah confirm harganya mahal gitu.
Many things happened in May. I also travelled alot this month. Not quite far . The furthest was to Tawau, Sabah. Alhamdulillah we managed to get the direct flight. In between meetings, my friends and I also manage to go to the wet market and get us some fresh fishes, crabs and prawns. Get it ice-cubed and securely packed for air travel .. huhu. Airasia don't allowed you to check-in them though so we have to hand carry them. They also allowed only 7kg and precisedly in the allowed size. Nasib baik masa kat pasar basah tak jadi gile beli berkilo-kilo.. huhuhuhu
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Our catch securely packed in the box. One box per person. |
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Yummmmmmm. *menjilat jari |
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
Selamat Hari Guru
Bertuahlah anda menjadi insan yang menyampaikan ilmu
Pada saya, mengajar dan mendidik adalah dua perkara yang berbeza. Touchpoint berbeza. Matlamat dan hasil yang diinginkan berlainan. (chewah.. bunyi cam bigboss I pulak.. everything u do mesti ada touchpoint nya. Touchpoint yang significant)
Pada saya mengajar itu lebih kepada menyampaikan, memberi tahu. Tanpa dititiberatkan sangat kesannya atau kefahamannya.
Mendidik pula lebih kepada usaha membentuk, menuntun, menjaga, mengasuh. Ditunjuk jalan sehingga sampai ke destinasi. Selagi tidak sampai sama melatih bertatih. Ia juga usaha mengawal supaya tidak tersasar dari lorongnya.
Just my humble thought since fb wall is flooded with Teacher’s day wishes.
Selamat hari guru kepada yang meraikan juga kepada semua anda. Juga kepada semua ibu bapa kerana anda adalah guru pertama dan terdekat anak anda. Dok gitu?.
Tuesday, May 01, 2012
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Boboiboy and Balloons
Nik Irfan’s Belated Birthday Party
Date: 21 April 2012
Venue: home sweet home
Irfan is already 2 and his birthday was actually on 12 April. But since mummy and daddy was busy going out station so we postponed the celebration.. I am sorry if any of you miss the invitation. Since It was Irfan's day so I thought we should celebrate it with those close to him.
It was actually a last minute preparation. Thanks to Irfan’s nenek the master chef, we had Laksa Sarawak as the main dish for the day, coconut jelly, bingka and corn pudding for dessert. My sister stirred up a last minute spaghetti bolognese and my sister in law showed her baking skill with a carrot cake. Dear husband added up some sate and nasi impit. Air bandung (Rose syrup and milk) and Sunquick orange for drinks.
I run around buying supplies after office and ended up at home at 10pm for two days in a row prior the day. Hahaha but it was fun. Oh Dear husband also inflated all the balloons and my sister hang it to the walls for decoration. I planned to make party packs but didn’t have the time to do so.
The birthday cake. With Boboiboy theme are from It was beautiful and beyond my expectation. The most important thing is Irfan like it a lot. Thanks to my staff for recommending Noorhayu to make the cake. It was also a last minute order. (Mujurlah Noorhayu takde order lain, kalau tak, nak kena seminggu sebelum ye ordernya). It was also easier since Norhayu work at the same bulding as mine.
Thanks for those who came and the presents. Irfan love them all.
Monday, April 23, 2012
Pagi ini menerima berita pemergian puteri bongsu rakan 105er, Madh dan Fand ke pangkuan Ilahi due to brain tumor. Baru berusia 1 tahun 4 bulan.Inalillahiwainnailaihirajiunn. Air mata ini berguguran. Entahlah. Sesungguhnya saya sebelum ini tidak pernah bersua dengan anakanda sahabat kami ini namun terasa amat dekat sekali.
Bermula dengan status pertama oleh Madh dan setiap kali melihat update sahabat-sahabat di facebook hati saya tersentuh dan setiap kali juga air mata itu jatuh. Mungkin kerana arwah hampir sebaya Irfan jadi naluri keibuan itu sedikit terusik.
Kami berkesempatan melawat semasa arwah masih di ICU. Melihat kedua-dua sahabat saya itu, saya percaya mereka diberi kekuatan oleh Allah. Katanya” Ini ujian untuk kami” . Allahuakbar. sekali lagi airmata hampir jatuh. Saya langsung terkedu dan tidak mampu berkata apa-apa. Maaf sahabat kalau aku hanya berdiam.Sungguh I can’t find the right words. Hanya doa kami untuk kalian.
InsyaAllah anakanda Yanie tenang di sisi Yang Esa dan menanti ibu bapanya yang tercinta di Syurga. Semoga Allah terus membekalkan kekuatan dan ketabahan kepada sahabat-sahabat kami ini dalam mengharungi ujianMu.
Monday, March 26, 2012
Sabar Mummy!
Alhamdulillah. Irfan tidak demam lagi. Beberapa hari ini, perubahan perangai Irfan menguji kesabaran mummy dia. Bukan nya dia tidak mendengar kata atau nakal. Cumanya tidak boleh berenggang. Hendak ke dapur diheret mummy. Nak naik atas diheret mummy. Pastu nak turun heret mummy lagi. Kalau malam hendak berdukung sampai terlelap. Bila cuba diletak atas tilam atau katil terus terjaga minta didukung lagi. Tidak mahu pula tu dengan daddy atau kakak nannynya.
Penat. Lagi pula pada hari-hari daddy outstation. Irfan bangun lagi di tengah malam (awal pagi sebenarnya) hendak turun ke tingkat bawah. Sampai di bawah tidur di atas dukung. Cuba diletak atas tilam, nangis kemudian mahu ke atas lagi. Ulang alik 2-3 kali mummy naik geram. Dipukul manja pampers Irfan. Menangis makin kuat sampai teresak-esak. Aduh. Last sekali dipujuk lagi tidur di katil. Alhamdulillah tertidur dia.
Melihat wajah dia tidur dengan airmata di hujung mata, mummy jadi sedih. Dalam hati mummy meminta maaf kerana tidak tahan dengan keletihan sendiri. Sakit pinggang dan belakang mendukung Irfan turun naik tangga. Menangis mengingatkan kenapalah mummy berasa geram. Menyesal kenapa mummy berperasaan sedemikian.
Semalam ada bintik merah melepuh di tangan dan kaki Irfan. HFMD kah? Aduh.. Irfan tidak ke tadika atau nursery. Dari mana pula berjangkit ni? Dari klinik barangkali. Hari tu masa ke klinik paed penuh dengan orang. Heish. Atau pun dari mana-mana shopping mall. Mungkin ada ibu bapa yang tak faham bila kena HFMD anak kena kuarantin jangan di bawa keluar. Ish ish.
Irfan aktif macam biasa dengan senyuman manis dia despite all the drama. Benar dia suka drama air mata sekarang ini. TIdak dapat kemahuannya mula lah drama. Huhu Pre- Terrible Two barangkali. Tidak sampai sebulan akan masuk 2 tahun.
"Irfan nak membesar.Sabar ye Mummy. " pesan daddy
Thursday, March 22, 2012
Feverish Irfan
Rasanya mahu menulis dalam bahasa melayu. Melayu yang betul. Mampukah? huhu
Semalam Irfan demam lagi. Sebelum aku ke tempat kerja, badan Irfan agak panas. Lalu Daddynya mengambil cuti. Mahu bawa Irfan ke klinik. Aku tidak mampu bercuti lagi. Sudah bercuti 5 hari minggu sudah.
Petang habis waktu pejabat, Irfan dan daddynya datang menjemput. Belum sempat sampai ke rumah Irfan muntah dalam kereta. habis baju kami berdua. Malam itu Irfan terus merengek-rengek. Panas sungguh badannya. Dilap-lap dengan kain basah. Marah dia. Rimas agaknya badan basah-basah. Disuruh aku dukung naik ke tingkat atas. masuk ke bilik . tak sampai 5 minit, diajak turun ke bawah lagi. kemudian ke atas lagi. kemudian ke bawah lagi dan atas lagi dan lagi .Gitulah lebih kurang 10 kali.naik turun.Weight lifting. I should have loss a few kilos. hehe
Sampailah daddynya mengeluarkan fon dan dipasang game Angry bird. Terus diam baring bermain. Tapi kemudian aku yang dipaksa main. akhirnya sampailah tertidur. huhu
Alhamdulillah pagi ini dia bangun tersenyum-senyum. Bayangkan semalam tidur tanpa berbaju. senang untuk aku lap badan dan supaya panasnya cepat hilang. Badan sudah tidak panas lagi. Alhamdullilah.
Aku nervous kalau Irfan demam . panas.
Semalam Irfan demam lagi. Sebelum aku ke tempat kerja, badan Irfan agak panas. Lalu Daddynya mengambil cuti. Mahu bawa Irfan ke klinik. Aku tidak mampu bercuti lagi. Sudah bercuti 5 hari minggu sudah.
Petang habis waktu pejabat, Irfan dan daddynya datang menjemput. Belum sempat sampai ke rumah Irfan muntah dalam kereta. habis baju kami berdua. Malam itu Irfan terus merengek-rengek. Panas sungguh badannya. Dilap-lap dengan kain basah. Marah dia. Rimas agaknya badan basah-basah. Disuruh aku dukung naik ke tingkat atas. masuk ke bilik . tak sampai 5 minit, diajak turun ke bawah lagi. kemudian ke atas lagi. kemudian ke bawah lagi dan atas lagi dan lagi .Gitulah lebih kurang 10 kali.naik turun.Weight lifting. I should have loss a few kilos. hehe
Sampailah daddynya mengeluarkan fon dan dipasang game Angry bird. Terus diam baring bermain. Tapi kemudian aku yang dipaksa main. akhirnya sampailah tertidur. huhu
Alhamdulillah pagi ini dia bangun tersenyum-senyum. Bayangkan semalam tidur tanpa berbaju. senang untuk aku lap badan dan supaya panasnya cepat hilang. Badan sudah tidak panas lagi. Alhamdullilah.
Aku nervous kalau Irfan demam . panas.
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Lompat si katak lompat
Leap year!!!
This day only comes once every 4 years. and today I decided to wear contact lenses to work and a dark brown saree modern kurung. Not a typical me at work. Many did notice and they said I look good. hehe..perasan gtu. It did some major lift on my self esteem and the mood so I manage to get many things done today.
Oh yesterday I was at the high court again. This time for a civil case. Just there for tendering documents on behalf of my employer. But at the end they settled it out of court. Ok. Tak perlulah I masuk kandang saksi itu.
Last time sometime early this year, I received a subpoena. That time for a criminal case. My first time ever in a court giving statement in front of a judge. And the lawyers also a well known one. Bukan calang-calang orang. Menggigil makcik although they have already kind of told me what they are going to asked. Seeing the accused make me 'gigil' some more. hehe. I make the boss to asked our legal advisor to send one of his man to accompany me, if not I will be lost. I don't know how to behave myself according to court ettiquete and what/what not to say. But it went well. huhu. At least now I have the experience in both court, criminal and civil. huhu
Oh tommorrow is already March. The new photo challenge is up at fatmumslim. I posted the challenge on the sidebar taken from her website for those who want to follow. It's fun!!! (although I didn't manage to quite follow it)
This day only comes once every 4 years. and today I decided to wear contact lenses to work and a dark brown saree modern kurung. Not a typical me at work. Many did notice and they said I look good. hehe..perasan gtu. It did some major lift on my self esteem and the mood so I manage to get many things done today.
Oh yesterday I was at the high court again. This time for a civil case. Just there for tendering documents on behalf of my employer. But at the end they settled it out of court. Ok. Tak perlulah I masuk kandang saksi itu.
Last time sometime early this year, I received a subpoena. That time for a criminal case. My first time ever in a court giving statement in front of a judge. And the lawyers also a well known one. Bukan calang-calang orang. Menggigil makcik although they have already kind of told me what they are going to asked. Seeing the accused make me 'gigil' some more. hehe. I make the boss to asked our legal advisor to send one of his man to accompany me, if not I will be lost. I don't know how to behave myself according to court ettiquete and what/what not to say. But it went well. huhu. At least now I have the experience in both court, criminal and civil. huhu
Oh tommorrow is already March. The new photo challenge is up at fatmumslim. I posted the challenge on the sidebar taken from her website for those who want to follow. It's fun!!! (although I didn't manage to quite follow it)
Sunday, February 12, 2012
Bread Pudding
Thursday, February 09, 2012
BBQ night
As I mentioned in previous posts, my in laws is here. si last Sunday, we had BBQ night. We invited the neighbours and a few friends to come over.
I've marinated the chicken the night before with the recipe I found on the net ( Owh you know how I am so "good" in cooking that I need to find recipes for everything ) huhuhu. Budak-budak baru belajar. Bertatih-tatih dulu.
Prepared some coleslaw,garlic bread and Beriani rice (using a marvellous instant paste I found at Giant) boleh tahan sedap. Mother in law made some bergedel (meat pasties) and cucur udang (prawn pasties). Coleslaw not in the picture, it was still in the fridge at that time.
Irfan seronok bila ramai orang. Lagi pulak my friends and neighbours bring along their kids lagi dia suka.
I've marinated the chicken the night before with the recipe I found on the net ( Owh you know how I am so "good" in cooking that I need to find recipes for everything ) huhuhu. Budak-budak baru belajar. Bertatih-tatih dulu.
Prepared some coleslaw,garlic bread and Beriani rice (using a marvellous instant paste I found at Giant) boleh tahan sedap. Mother in law made some bergedel (meat pasties) and cucur udang (prawn pasties). Coleslaw not in the picture, it was still in the fridge at that time.
Irfan seronok bila ramai orang. Lagi pulak my friends and neighbours bring along their kids lagi dia suka.
Wednesday, February 08, 2012
Further down we went to the horse trail. It is RM2.00
entrance fee to just tour the stable and RM25.00 for a horse ride.
It was my first time riding a horse. I was quite
nervous actually since the horse was quite tall. I rode a horse named Bonita.
We went for a 10 minutes’ walk with the trainer of course huhu.
Poor Irfan. He
was so wanted to ride the horses. Siap hulur-hulur tangan lagi. tapi tak boleh
naik berdua. Trainer kuda itu kedekut. Dia kata naik 1 minit (even for
pictures) ke 10 minit ke pun kena bayar RM25.00 huh. Next time yer Irfan.
By the way.. orang naik kuda pakai boots I only wore slippers wahahaha
Tuesday, February 07, 2012
We went to this farm on the way down from Colmar tropicale.
It is not only fun for the children but adults too.. huhu. Entrance fee RM3 per
person and free for children fewer than 2 years old. You can also feed the
rabbits and the pellets cost only RM1.50/packets.
There are many rabbits running around. tame deer, peacocks and other small animals. You can touch them, feed them and hold them.
There is also a donkey ride for children for RM6.00 per ride
if I am not mistaken.
Monday, February 06, 2012
It is actually a hotel designed in an architecture which interpretation of a
romantic 16th century village in Alsace, France. Each building has its own different design and name.
Under the big bridge is a pond where you can find a pair of white swan and a pair of black swans. I would say the main hit among
the crowd here are the swans hahahaha. I put the swans picture later. They were quite friendly actually. Maybe they have gotten used to having many people around.
There are many people on that day. There are suppose to be a stage performance at the centre but no
stage performance that particular day though since the stage was prepared for a wedding later that
night. There was actually a lion dance performance before we arrived. In
conjunction of the Chinese New Year celebration.
My husband, his brother and I also tested our shooting skills at the Target shooting range near the swan pond. They used the gun and pallets similar to paintballs and the target is old bowling pins and gas barrel. Oh last time I went shooting during our dept shooting tounament in Langkawi a few years back.
If you planned to stay here I would say a day or two would be enough to cover all the activities you can do around here.
If you planned to stay here I would say a day or two would be enough to cover all the activities you can do around here.
Sunday, February 05, 2012
A long weekend again. As my husband's brother is in town for business meeting almost all my in laws are here. So we decided to go to Bukit Tinggi. saja jalan-jalan cari pasal . It was just a day trip. No we didn't check in the hotel. My youngest sister also joined in.
We headed out after breakfast. Actually it was already 11. huhu it's weekend. come on. Six and half of us in two cars. the traffic was quite slow moving. Everyone must have planned a break out of the city or at least balik kampung. We stopped for a quick lunch and toilet break at Burger Kings before Gombak Toll to Karak highway.
It was almost an hour to arrive there but then you will enjoy the breeze and greenery.
To enter the resort you have to pay an entrance fee (RM16 per head if I am not mistaken) and I think It will be refunded upon check in at the hotel. (If you are going to stay overnight lah)
Irfan loves the steps and the fish in the ponds. He walks all the way up and refuse to be carry around. Irfan kept pointing at the huge rocks and said " Ball... besaaar" Hish. It's a rock la . We put him onto one and he kept smiling and clapping while his uncle and auntie snapping his picture.
This garden is located 3500 feet above the sea and is one of its kind outside Japan. It was carefully planned and designed by a renowned Japanese architect , Mr Kaio Ariizumi and was built by a team of 22 skilled craftsmen flown in from Japan.
Entering this garden, you will went through a traditional Japanese arch to the koi pond, the fishes are big and colourful. And the bridge bring you to a waterfall and the traditional tea house.
The traditional tea house also was said to be the world first built in a tropical forest. You can rent a kimono and wore them for pictures and guests are also invited to join the Japanese tea ceremony.
to be continued..
We headed out after breakfast. Actually it was already 11. huhu it's weekend. come on. Six and half of us in two cars. the traffic was quite slow moving. Everyone must have planned a break out of the city or at least balik kampung. We stopped for a quick lunch and toilet break at Burger Kings before Gombak Toll to Karak highway.
It was almost an hour to arrive there but then you will enjoy the breeze and greenery.
To enter the resort you have to pay an entrance fee (RM16 per head if I am not mistaken) and I think It will be refunded upon check in at the hotel. (If you are going to stay overnight lah)
Irfan loves the steps and the fish in the ponds. He walks all the way up and refuse to be carry around. Irfan kept pointing at the huge rocks and said " Ball... besaaar" Hish. It's a rock la . We put him onto one and he kept smiling and clapping while his uncle and auntie snapping his picture.
This garden is located 3500 feet above the sea and is one of its kind outside Japan. It was carefully planned and designed by a renowned Japanese architect , Mr Kaio Ariizumi and was built by a team of 22 skilled craftsmen flown in from Japan.
Entering this garden, you will went through a traditional Japanese arch to the koi pond, the fishes are big and colourful. And the bridge bring you to a waterfall and the traditional tea house.
The traditional tea house also was said to be the world first built in a tropical forest. You can rent a kimono and wore them for pictures and guests are also invited to join the Japanese tea ceremony.
to be continued..
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