location:Pusat latihan tempur tentera darat, Ulu Tiram, Johor
duration:1 week
Modul tentera ini merupakan salah satu daripada modul-modul yang entah berapa dalam DPA and i was told this was among the toughest selain dari OBS(outbound school lumut..aku cuak gak yang nih..kat laut beb..gerun..). So pada pagi ahad yang bersejarah itu berkumpullah kiterang 2 sidang..satu akan ke modul polis dan satu ke modul tentera kat depan auditorium pepagi about 8am. maka bergemalah lagu Negaraku dan lagu rasmi DPA dgn penuh semangat(dalam hati excited tapi berdebar tak ingatnye lah..). Kat dalam bas punyalah semua melayan perasaan..sebab masing2 dah dgr bermacam citer yang 'menggerunkan' pasal modul tentera nih. sampai di pulada around 2 terus derang bawak pi mess utk lunch.Obviouslly i have no comment bout food throughout the stay.It was great.bila dibawa ke padang kawad lak dah nampak tentera2 ni dah tunggu2 kiterang (adeh cuak2..takut gak..maunya garang2). They were introduced to us as our instructors..dari pelbagai pangkat..and after that they distributed the kelengkapan yg kiterang perlukan like bags,mess tin etc.After futher instruction berlari-larilah kiterang dgn beg2 ke dormitory utk bersiap ke aktiviti seterusnya..hehe..bermula hidup kami sbg tentera walaupun what we were about to experience is just i would say merely 5-10 % of what the army faced in their services.
I will only highlight those experience that i found interesting or teach me something.I can't tell all here .It will spoilt the suprises for those who is going for it in a few days ahead hehe.
i will never ever forget this.It was kinda guling2 ala hindustan but from a rugby goalpost to another end.I would say it was about 100 m. (belum buat ..rasa cam gilerr..tapi bila dah buat..I sure learnt something..)Bila dah sampai hujung i was trying to stand up and i saw the goalpost turn upsidedown...semua isi perut keluar..hampir semua org berjaya 'mencuci perut' masing..and the blues stayed on till the next morning..kuat giler penangan sideroll..
trak 3 tan
Inilah pengangkutan kiterang sepanjang kat situ ..ada 1 insiden..a girl tersalah 'mendarat' dgn satu kaki waktu terjun trak menyebab dia dihantar pulang..otot terkoyak or something i'm not sure..but after a few up n down the truck, we the girls surely dh sendirinye expert naik turun although when we were wearing our heels n baju kurung especially during night lectures.
Ini adalah senjata yang mana kami diajar cara2 membuka,mencuci dan menggunakan dengan betul..malah seharian bersama-samanya..kemana sahaja.. semasa bermalam di dalam hutan untuk misi 'ambush'. Seberat 2.9kg ..well it was heavy enough for me..mengigil2 waktu menembak secara berdiri kat lapang sasar..abih ntah kemana aku tembak..tapi kalau meniarap it was a bit easy ..maybe because you can rest your elbow atas tanah..well cara meniarap and berdiri pun ada teknik2 tertentu.. I got only 9/20 oklaa for beginner kan?. .
pumping n squat jump
this two were like biasa ajer.. apahal sikit mesti kena..either sebagai denda atau exercise.no complaints..it was good untuk kekuatan tangan dan kaki..hehe
a day in the woods(byk aktiviti time nih)
Kiterang bermalam satu malam di hutan..sebelum itu waktu petangnya ada pelbagai briefing kiterang dapat dari pelbagai kor yang ada dalam tentera..pasal anjing perang..cara survival dihutan(apaleh mkn takleh makan)..permasalahan ibadat semasa perang(paling interesting fasal sembahyang sambil berjalan n ambik wuduk tanpa bukak boots) ..explosives n flares..macam2 lagilah even they hidang to us..ular,biawak,ayam hutan and ubi ..seme dibakar n ada yang dibuat sup masak dlm buluh..also air tongkat ali and air kembang semangkuk.(yang mana tak was-was tu rasalah all that..aku pegang2 jer..niat nk merasa tapi huhu takle aa..mkn ayam ubi n air tu jer..very refreshing)
and during the night kiterang ada kunun2 misi ambush it was about midnight..2 jam beb meniarap kat lam semak tepi jln yng dikatakan kunun2 kalu zaman komunis laluan derang la..we all meniarap..aiming the gun..trying hard not to think bout the nyamuks and the merayap2 thing or dozz off..it was dark..you only saw shadows coz bulan terang..tunggu arahan ..and when we saw kelibat orang..and heard the orders..tumm!!gunshots break the silence ..huhu cam movie laks..alaa peluru kapur jer..
back to our camp..we set it up before it was dark..and it look like the army campsite..like what we saw in sarjan hassan movie..huhu not the same camping style that we had in bukit cherakah before..btul2 rasa cam lam filem sarjan hassan laks..dahlaa asyik duk pikul senjata kesana kemari.
anikulasi tempur (not sure if the term was correct)
this was the only time we surely feel the real situation of warzone or medan tempur.. we had to crawl dr kubu. and they all shot life bullet..toing2 right above ur head..tak brani eden nk ngangkat kapla..apalagi buntut..kih kih.. tak cukup dibomnyalagi..memancut air dr kolam sebelah membanjiri we all who were trying hard to crawl as fast as we can..we were so down on the ground that i could feel the ground shaking when the explosives went off. abih seme yang mana luka2 kat siku..lebam kat lutut..tak heran dah yang penting need to crawl till the end..menistis airmata sekalipun..
Well actually ada banyak lagi..in fact seme exercise yang dibuat sememang nya betul2 membuka mata kami kepada perkhidmatan anggota tentera..i mean really it opened our eyes..Before this we only heard stories..saw the demos..saw military from the outside..but now at least we had the glimpse of what they did..how they become who they are..and the rationale for what they had to do..It gave us the opportunity to feel what might be what they felt..
gunung panti yang kiterang daki..
after one week experience as army personnel..i would only say these..
the sickness..
the exhausted moments..
the wounds..
the countless tears..
the sweat..
the falls..
the smells..
We took it as souvenirs from pulada
but what we will remember the most are
the shared story..
the skills taught..
the lessons learnt..
the friendships..
the experience once in a lifetime..
and we will miss
the laughters..
the jokes..
the celoreng..
the m16..
gunung panti..
the pumping and squat jumps...n of course the trucks..huhu
thank you to all the instructors n pulada..
only god shall pay your contribution
its inokulasi tempur my dear..
modul luar is the best experienced in DPA..and u can only experience it thru DPA..
wait til u go for BOMBA..
it's inokulasi tempur, dear..or known as BI-Battle Innoculation..
It's inokulasi tempur,dear..
or known as BI-Battle Innoculation..
enjoy dpa!!
knal muhamad amri aka bandu tak dalam kursus dpa ni???
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