Tuesday, September 06, 2005

still in kluang

Today is the 2nd last day in IKWAS(INTAN kampus wilayah selatan). Not much happening today..just a regular 2.4km running and aerobics at 6.30 am..haha. also a lecture in the afternoon by the Deputy director of Public Services.

9 days in IKWAS, introduction about PTD, what is it?, what is expected as PTD...bla..bla..
We all are introduced to the values that a PTD officer should have. As the younger generation of PTD we are all required to continue the legacy and pride of PTD as the premier services in the government.(chewah..yer yer oo ayat aku..)

This is part of DPA song...summarise the hope put upon us..

Keteguhan sahsiah dan pekerti
lambang keunggulan PTD
Kesopanan dan kesusilaan
jadi keutamaan

Kami nerikrar terus berusaha
menjiwai keunggulan
sifat mulia teguhkan ketrampilan
asas ke arah kecemerlangan

jasa kepada pertiwi
meneruskan tradisi ini
aspirasi dan komitmen kami..

hehe..there you go..more than a week here ..we had a series of lectures from all the big and important PTD officers..

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UTP gang sama-sama kt IKWAS

had a few interesting quotes..but i'll post them later ok..

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