me in the city
Monday, November 26, 2007
me in the city
The Battle of Uhud (Arabic: غزوة أحد) was fought on 23 March 625 (3 Shawwal 3 AH in the Islamic calendar) at Mount Uhud, in what is now north-western Arabia.[1] It occurred between a force from the Muslim community of Medina led by Muhammad, and a force led by Abu Sufyan from Mecca, the town from which many of the Muslims had previously emigrated (hijra). The Battle of Uhud was the second military encounter between the Meccans and the Muslims, preceded by the Battle of Badr in 624, where a small Muslim army had defeated the larger Meccan army. Marching out from Mecca towards Medina on 11 March 625, the Meccans desired to avenge their losses at Badr and strike back at Muhammad. The Muslims readied for war soon afterwards and the two armies fought on the slopes and plains of Uhud.
source :wiki
for more info n full story of the battle go to wikipedia..
kawasan yang berpagar itu merupakan kawasan perkuburan para syuhada termasuklah bapa saudara Rasulullah, Hamzah. Dalam peperangan ini, Orang-orang Islam hampir kalah kerana menyangkakan orang2 musyrikin telah mengalah ..terutama pasukan pemanah yang telah meninggalkan kedudukan mereka tanpa mengendahkan arahan Rasul.Tentera musyrikin meleihatkan keadaan itu telah dengan segera mengambil alih kedudukan pasukan pemanah tersebut dan menyerang tentera Islam. Ramai yang telah terkorban.
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Friday, November 16, 2007
On the second day in Madinah, we had a tour in the morning. We went to Masjid Quba' which is the first mosque built by Rasulullah.We also went to Masjid Qiblatain, a dates (kurma) plantation and also the dates market.
We left Mekah at 2pm and arrived in Madinah nearllt at 9pm. After dinner, we hurried to the prophet's mosque (Masjid Nabawi) for jamak maghrib n isya' .The mosque was closed at 11 pm.
all the people from all four courners of the world..
bagaimana agaknya di padang mahsyar nanti?
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
We finally arrived in Mekah at about 2 am saudi time. The view of the masjidil haram was so stunning.. and how happy we were knowing that the hotel was just about 100 metres from the mosque.. praises to Allah.
After all baggages have safely kept in respective rooms..we walked to the mosque to perform our first umrah. we went in through gate 62 which is called Bab al Umrah.. When we saw the Kaabah suddenlly there was silence. No one spoke a word as eyes was fix to the baitullah..saat itu juga hati bersyukur.. terima kasih tuhan..kerana sekali lagi memberi peluang hamba mu ini berdiri di depan baitullah..
When we completed all three rituals for umrah which were tawaf, saei and tahallul, it was already nearly 4 am but we went back to the hotel to freshen up before subuh prayer later, at 5.04am.We were exhausted but we won't missed the chance to perform jemaah prayer in front of the kaabah for anything.. the ustaz said performing solat in Masjidil Haram is 100 000 times better.. 100 000 kali lebih pahala.. woho who would want to miss that!
i. a tawaf, which consists of circling the Kaaba seven times in a counter-clockwise direction. Men are encouraged to do this three times at a hurried pace, followed by four times, more closely, at a leisurely pace.[1]
ii.Perform a sa'i, which means rapidly walking seven times back and forth between the hills of Safa and Marwah. This is a re-enactment of Hagar's frantic search for water, before the Zamzam Well was revealed to her by Allah.
iii.Perform a halq or taqsir, meaning a cutting of the hair. A taqsir is a partial shortening of the hair, whereas a halq is a complete shave of the head.
These rituals complete the Umrah, and the pilgrim can choose to go out of ihram. Although not a part of the ritual, most pilgrims drink water from the Well of Zamzam.
These rituals ritual acts symbolic of the lives of the prophet Abraham (Ibrahim) and his wife Hagar (Hajarah), and of solidarity with Muslims worldwide.
source : wikipedia :D
The Ihram garments for men consists of two pieces of white sheet. Wrap the larger sheet around your waist to cover your body from the navel to the ankles. Secure the Ihram either with a belt or by a strip of fabric torn from Ihram material. Drape the other sheet over the back and shoulders and wear a pair of stitched or unstitched sandals or shoes which do not cover the ankles. The head should not be covered, and no underwear should be used. The Ihram should preferably be white.Women are allowed to make Ihram in any dress they wish which fulfills the Islamic conditions of public dress, regardless of the color. Women's hands and face should be uncovered in Ihram. Their heads should be covered.
a Muhrim (someone who is in state of Ihram) must observe certain obligations and prohibitions. These are:
- Keep your head uncovered at all times. Women should keep their heads covered
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
back home
When i opened my small office door this morning,i stepped on a few letters and memos.I received a course offer letter, another memo for a meeting an others. wahaha.and of course a bundle of files to settle by next week..isk..
I will try my best to write about my journey..slowly.. and with pictures too..ok?
I hope i still remember everything that the ustaz (our muttawif cum guide) told us ..the history.. the quranic verses and the hadis related to the place we visited..hopefully..i really want to share this with all..but in my own way -lah.. because i'm not that alim.. still learning and learning..:)
people say when we came back from The Haramain (2 tanah haram aka Mekah dan Madinah)..u will miss them..true.. the moment we were on the plane in Jeddah Airport..I was missing them already..still am..seperti wayang gambar ..setiap perkara masih terbayang di mata..silih berganti..
Being there..the feeling was overwhelming ..
bukan air mata sahaja yang mengalir..malah hati turut menangis..
malah mengenangnya sahaja terasa sebak..
Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar
Friday, November 02, 2007
just wanna share something i read from the Net..
In Arabic the word `Umrah is derived from I`timar which means a visit.
However, `Umrah technically means
paying a visit to Ka`bah,
performing Tawaf [Circumambulation] around it,
walking between Safa and Marwah seven times.
A performer of `Umrah puts off his Ihram by having his hair shaved or cut.
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Ministry of Islamic Affairs, Endowments, Da‘wah and Guidance
Thursday, November 01, 2007
macy grey n joe black
selalu petang-petang buleh dengar anak en.Amin (adik- bukan nama sebenar juga) memanggil-manggil si Oren yang memang berwarna celoreng-celoreng jinggapagi-pagi pun gitu...adik bagi kucing tu makan friskies barangkali .. letak dalam pinggan kat tepi pintu rumah.. sekali waktu pagi sebelum die pegi sekolah dan sekali waktu petang..
pernah pada suatu hari tidak lama dulu..aku kurang pasti tapi aku memang dengan tanpa hati perut menuduh kucing itu telah melepas di depan pagar rumah..dan tanpa aku sedari sewaktu pulang dari kerja aku telah memijaknya..dan terus masuk ke dalam kereta selepas membuka pintu pagar..arghhh berhari-hari semerbak di dalam kereta walaupun sudah dibasuh bersih.. dan berbulan-bulan juga aku tidak memakai selipar yang terkena itu..huhhsampai sekarang aku sensitif dengan bau itu..takde bau pun aku cakap ada bau..eheh..
memang aku suka suki menuduh kucing itu..walaupun mungkin kucing lain yg melepas.. arggh tak kira..hehe
pagi tadi..buka sahaja pintu rumah ..aku nampak die bermain-main dengan daun2 yang ditiup angin di depan pintu rumah.. adik aku cakap..oren tunggu nolee tuh..huhh..aku halau-halau dia..syuhh..syuhh.. takut masuk bawah kereta jer..aku nak keluar nih..bahaya..
hehe.. ntah kenapa aku boleh bercerita sal kucing itu pulak..deng..
dulu pun rumah aku ada kucing ..tak bela pun ..cuma kucing-kucing liar yang kebetulan selalu lepak kat pintu dapur.. ada macy grey(jantan-dah mati)..ada joe black (betina-dah pangkat moyang kot dengan kucing lain yang ada kat umah..asyik beranak sahaja..n hampir semua anak dia hitam..)ada si kembar ( 2 ekor..warna putih kelabu)..lupa dah nama.. anak macy and joe tapi aku tak tau dah derang pi mana.. sekarang nih ada sekor jer.. hitam.. and aku pun tak tau tuh joe black ke..atau cucu cicit die dah..haha