Monday, September 27, 2004

nilai kejayaan

"Nilai keberjayaan bila dinilai dari wang ringgit, maka hilanglah aqal dan ilmu"
Sebenarnya petikan di atas itu adalah dari hasza, salah seorang penyumbang artikel dalam relexjap. Artikelnya memaparkan tentang kerakusan manusia sekarang mengejar kemewahan. Tajuknya sahaja sudah cukup memberi kesan, "Apabila "nilai" di bawah lutut, Aqal di bawah tumit.... Ilmu diketepikan sahaja!
Kadang-kadang aku terfikir juga. Apa nilai kejayaan seseorang?? Nama? Harta? Pangkat? Memang tak dinafikan zaman sekarang segala-galanya duit..segala benda mempunyai harga tersendiri.
Tapi di mana nilai wang jika dibandingkan dengan silaturrahim?
hubungan keluarga? sahabat? maruah?
jati diri?..di mana ya??
wah !! lebat lak hujan..membius rasa mengantuk..adeh adeh..

Saturday, September 25, 2004


A year has gone..
as time goes by..
so many things has been done..
but hopes still high
some things are planned, some are regretted
yet many more will come as future lies..

to Nurul Najahah..
happy birthday..
semoga panjang umur yang berkat
dimurahkan rezeki yang halal..
dan sentiasa dalam redha Allah...:)

Tuesday, September 21, 2004

Catatan semasa PAC

Last friday, i went to Kemaman in order to attend the PTD Assesment Centre (PAC).If you are wondering, PTD stands for Pegawai Tadbir dan Diplomatik. It was held for three days in Institut Tadbiran Awam wilayah timur (INTAN). Among the job scope of PTD are, working in any ministry to work on government policies, as DOs and ADOs at the federated malay state (all state except tganu,klatan,perak,perlis ..erm think so), appointed as ambassadors to foreign countries, and many more..PAC is actually the second stage of assesment..Before this we had to undergone a written test and if we are selected from this PAC then we had to undergone an interview session.
Every activities held during the PAC is assisted by a facilitator..and a panel also on the scene for the assessment..

17 Sept 2004 , 3.45 ptg

Haloo...aku tengah dalam sesi ujian bertulis sahsiah diri..3 jam beb..200 lebih soklannya..huhu jawab nolee jawab..

Aku sampai sini pagi tadi dalam pukul 10.40 ..ngam-ngam sebelum pendaftaran tamat.Lepas daftar..kena amik tag nombor, kira nombor tu laa represent kiterang..takde panggil2 nama..hehe..aku Miss 125.. hihi..
Besar giler tag tuh..gantung je kat tengkuk sepanjang aktiviti..pas amik tag..settle bilik seme..pi amik gambar plak..ala ala malaysian idol gitu..berlima..kiranya..grup 120 hingga aku laa 125.. pastuh..kul 11 teruss ader test bertulis english..hmm..aku main bantai jerr..dah ler tgh pening2 jalan jauh..tapi takpe makan best..lunch..haha..okies nanti sambung lagi..

18 Sept 2004 , 6.46ptg

Fuhh ..I've finished the 2.4 km run.Tak jauh mana pun But it's enough for me.At least i've finish it although among the last 20 to arrive..haha..You got to work out noliee...come on keep fit!!
Seingat aku laa..last aku main masa UTP netball interbatch dulu...uii...dah brape bulan dah tuh..
Geee...need to have my bath and then prepare for my public speaking tonite. Yang BM dah beres siang tadi..Malam nih English plak..

Tajuk utk dua-dua speech..pilih ..
for Pengucapan Awam
Pekerja Asing: Kesan Kepada Ekonomi dan keselamatan Negara
for Public Speaking
The changing roles of ICT in globalised world

19 Sept 2004, 1.00 ptg

Waweee...dah abis...hehehe...last having lunch with my new friends I've got here...okeh before that i just want to tell you about Debat PTD Muda that we had earlier this morning.

Hee ...macam debat kat parlimen laa..tapi kiterang wat dalam group of 12..di bahagi kepada pencadang dan pembangkang..aku..YB 125..hehe..pembangkang.. tajuk debat Kemiskinan adalahpunca peningkatan kadar jenayah di negara kita..haa amik...boom bang boom bang..seme orang..ketuk2 meja tanda setuju..hihi cam kat parlimen gak..

well..hopefully i've done my best..and a bit of luck is on my side.. To all my new friends.. Tasha, Liza, Karimah,Su, Is and norish..nice knowing you all..keep in touch!! Kalau dapat intervew..msg2 laa yerr..

Wednesday, September 15, 2004

barbie's friend

wow..quite surprising...hehe..i came across a barbie doll named NOLEE..actually..She is a friend of BARBIE..She has dark hair just like me..big eyes just like me..and sometimes wore spectacles..and.. she is also a gemini just like me...hahaha what a coincidence!

Sunday, September 12, 2004

The eyes

something shared from relexjap

Mata yang beradu mata dalam pandangan
Adalah jalan kerosakan ke dalam hati
Beberapa saat terjadi peperangan
Hingga berlumuran darah dan mati

Wahai kedua mata, kau nikmati pandangan
Lalu kau susupkan kepahitan ke dalam hati
Jangan kau ganggu hati ini
Berbuat lalim dengan sekali tebasan

*lalim=kejam,tidak adil

Tuesday, September 07, 2004

It's a boy!!!

gambar sekadar hiasan
hihi so many beautiful things happen much joy..
and the best thing of all is .....
It's a boy...alhamdulillah praises to Allah..It's my sister's baby boy...
so beautiful..and his peaceful
Delivered at 8.45 pm on 7 Sept 2004 ...exactly a year after my sister wedding's their anniversary actually..nearly the same time as they had their akad nikah last year...what a coincidence..hehehe

well..what shall he call me...hmmmm...auntie lene?....angah?? che ngah?? cik li??
hmmm...cannot decide yet...


aisyah mutalik <> wrote

It is popular in Japan today to drink water immediately after waking

Up every morning. Furthermore, scientific tests have proven its value.

We publish below a description of use of water for our  readers. For old and serious diseases as well as modern illnesses the water treatment had been found successful by a Japanese medical society as a hundred percent cure for the following diseases, Headache, body ache,heart system, arthritis, fast heart beat, epilepsy, excess fatness,bronchitis, asthma, TB, Meningtitis, Kidney and Urine diseases,vomiting gastritis,diarrhoea, piles, diabetes, constipation, all eye diseases, womb cancer and menstrual disorders, ear nose and throat diseases.


1. As you wake up in the morning before brushing teeth, drink four glasses of water each of 160 ml.

2. Brush and clean the mouth but do not eat or drink anything for 45 minutes.

3. After 45 minutes you may eat and drink as normal.

4. After 15 minutes of breakfast, lunch and dinner do not eat or
drink anything for two hours.

5. Those who are old or sick and are unable to drink four glasses of
water at the beginning may commence by taking little water  and gradulayy increase it to four glasses per day.

6. The above method of treatment will cure diseases of the sick and others can enjoy a healthy life. The following list gives the number of days of  treatment required to cure main diseases.

1. High Blood Pressure 30 days
2. Gastric 10 days
3. Diabetes 30 days
4. Constipation 10 days
5. Cancer 180 days
6. TB 90 days

Arthritis patients should follow the above treatment for only 3days
inthe first week to be followed by daily treatment.

This treatment method has no side effects, however at the
commencement of treatment you may have to urinate a few times.

Good Health to you all.......


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Wednesday, September 01, 2004

The day finally came..

ramai tanyer ape perasaan jadi graduates..hehe...first of all..i'm very proud to be UTP graduates
2nd i'm quite sad to leave the cosy life as a student..3rd i'm a bit afraid to step into the next phase of my life..the real life.. :)

There are a lot of picture i want to share with all...coming soon ..ok?