Sunday, August 29, 2004

from my old journal

aku tengah 'cuci' komputer aku..yer laa sejak2 bawak balik dari utp..tak pernah spring cleaning lagi..hehe...banyak btul sampah sarap nya..
teiba jumpa file nih..hehe..journal lama rupanya..
saja nak kongsi ngan korang.. kebetulan ader poem.enjoyy
18 March 2004
lama betul aku tak tulis personal journal aku..
yer laaa busy...pastu cuti mid sem ( cuti ke ape...tak rasa macam cuti pun..balik sekejap je)
lepas tu pulak...aku reformat komputer..rupa-rupanya network kad aku rosak.
Patutlah asyik tak boleh ajer internet.
Puas aku check setting .Siap dah report kpd IT department.
Nasib baik dierang tak sempat datang check lagi.
Thanks to Azart kerana dgn baik hatinya sudi tolong pomenkan comp kesayangan aku nih
(dah 4 tahun dia bersama2 aku...kalau boleh bercakap ..
mesti banyak rahsia aku yang boleh dikorek dari komputer nih.)
18 MARch 2004
4.20 a.m...hmmm...haaa? it's already 4? it me or what??
still had this feeling
it is hard to determine
it came without me knowing
not even a slightest warning
don't know how to describe it
even if i try
sometimes i'm happy
even made me smile
but a little sad maybe
that made me wanna cry
is it because of the life
the day i had to survive
the people i had to face
the path i had to take
for the choice that i have made
ps: life is about make the best choices for the sake of you ,
those around you and lil mardhatillah
dalam kesibukan aku...pasti aku ada masa menulis..semakin sibuk,
semakin banyak kerja yang harus disiapkan..
malah semakin 'urgent kerja-kerjaku..makin kreatif pulak otak ku yang satu ini...
mungkin sebab dah dipaksa bekerja keras aku berjaya meningkatkan kadar penggunaannya hahaha..
still writing a english poem..
tak berani lagi nak menulis puisi bahasa melayu.
bukan mengagungkan bahasa asing cuma tidak confident. dan bimbang tersalah pilih kata
tak sedap atau mungkin terlebih jiwang???
haha..nanti ada yang geli telinga mendengarnya..

ALL-NEW Yahoo! Messenger - all new features - even more fun!

Friday, August 27, 2004

UTP 4th Convocation

yeay graduation day...22nd August will forever be a memorable day for me...hihihi
Seronok sangat rasa dapat kembali ke UTP ..although it was only for a few days..dan menyemakkan bilik-bilik ex-roomates.hehehe
To naja, aiza,eppy n nisha thank you very much for your hospitality and i'm very sorry if in that few days we were there, both your rooms are like 'tongkang pecah'..hehehehe
betullah org kata...when we lose something then we will realise how meaningful it is actually to us...masa kat depan mata..tak herann...*wink
thanks again to naj,aiza,eppy,nisha..and their housemates..also thanks to UTP for the memorable convocation day..!!

ALL-NEW Yahoo! Messenger - all new features - even more fun!

Thursday, August 05, 2004

24-7 nyer aku menghilang..tak tulih pepe kat blog..ish...ish..ingat nak sambung sarawak nye citer..tapi.....dh lamer..tak payah laaa....
August....full of will be a busy month for me..

My sister in hospital....i'm gonna be 'aunty lene' soon...waa weee...

22 August convocation.....yaaaahoo...still i need to be at utp from 19 august.. argghhh...back to UTP..miss it very much..

23 August .. my brother's wedding and it's in KT..i need to rush from utp to KT..haha an 8 hours journey...rushinng thru the night.....although all the preparation have been made....still very kelam kabut.. takpe...skali seumur hidup...

26 Augus..majlis kesyukuran n menyambut my guysss.....jemput lah yer......

adeh adeh...